The Our Rule of Law Academy was an academic mentorship program for the future generation of rule of law defenders. Between January and March 2023, 45 Bachelor students from 25 Member States conducted research on and developed policy proposals in the area of European Law under the supervision of 22 rule of law experts.
The aim of the project was to educate young students of law and related disciplines through educational democracy- and rule of law-related activities, draw upon their international and intercultural background, and encourage them to get personally involved in the fight for European democracy.
The Academy consisted of multiple stages. Firstly, the working groups conducted extensive research under the supervision of their mentors in the relevant field and formulated concrete policy solutions on the basis of research outcomes. Secondly, during the bootcamp in Brussels, the participants pitched their policy proposals to policy-makers and other rule of law professionals . Thirdly, after the Brussels bootcamp, the participants could implement the feedback received and handed in their final proposals.
The result was a publication of “How to Save European Democracy – Report from the Our Rule of Law Academy”, which is now freely available online across the Our Rule of Law channels.
Overview of the working groups and mentors:
Judicial Independence - led by Professor Laurent Pech and Judge Filipe Marques
Media Freedom - led by Dr Anna Wójcik, Dr Evangelia Psychogiopoulou and Dr Yustyna Somahalska
Academic Freedom - led by Professor Gráinne de Burca and Dr Vasiliki Kosta
Protection of NGOs/Civic Space - led by Ms Marta Pardavi and Dr Joelle Grogan
Protecting the EU Budget and Recovery Funds - led by Dr Matteo Bonelli and Dr Thu Nguyen
Legal Methods to Protect the Rule of Law - led by Professor Petra Bard and Professor Daniel Sarmiento
Political and Policy Methods to Protect the Rule of Law - led by Professor Marlene Wind and Professor Jan Wouters
Protecting National Democracy - led by Professor Sebastien Platon and Dr Cassandra Emmons
European Political Groups - led by Dr Wouter Wolfs and Mr Alex Dimitrovs
(Non-)Implementation of ECtHR and ECJ judgments - led by Dr Barbara Grabowska-Moroz and Mr Jakub Jaraczewski
Amicus Curiae at the ECJ (by the Good Lobby) - led by Professor Alberto Alemanno and Dr Jasper Krommendijk