Fostering the new generations of rule of law defenders

Our Democracy Report Kicked-Off!

What is the Our Rule of Law Foundation?

The Our Rule of Law (ORoL) Foundation, national winner of the 2024 European Charlemagne Youth Prize, is committed to safeguarding the rule of law and democracy across Europe and beyond.

Established by Elene Amiranashvili (Georgia/Netherlands), Zuzanna Uba (Poland) and Anna Walczak (Poland), under the mentorship of Professor John Morijn (Netherlands), this initiative found its roots  in 2021 at the University of Groningen. It began with a focus on Poland's legal challenges but quickly expanded its mission to address broader European Union concerns. Through education, engagement, and advocacy, the Our Rule of Law Foundation is at the forefront of mobilising youth and fostering a deeper understanding of democracy's foundational principles, ensuring a robust and resilient rule of law for future generations.

Our mission is to mobilise the youth towards developing Pan-European policy solutions addressing the rule of law and democracy crisis. We aim to foster opportunities for students to engage with leading experts on democratic backsliding and civic education in Europe and to contribute actively to the defence of the rule of law and democracy.

Our Principles

Democracy Is Worth It

We want to live in democratic societies with strong protection of minorities, separation of power amongst different governing institutions, and an active civil society with meaningful public participation.

Take Action

We do something to combat the democratic backsliding ripping our countries and the EU apart.

For Students, By Students

We create opportunities for students to learn about the democratic backsliding in Europe from leading experts in the field and create platforms for students to take part in defending the rule of law in Europe.

“The one who believes that it is worth fighting for values against those who destroy them.

Determined contrarians change the world.”

~ Igor Tuleya, our Rule of Law Hero


Feel free to contact us with any questions, either through email or the contact form.

Contact us:

Contact address

Grote Beerstraat 252

9742SJ Groningen